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Poor Fox and Crow--they don't even get to appear in an ad for their own book!
That top ad was certainly promoting titles, wasn't it?
Man, what I wouldn't give to have a whole bunch of Comic-Pacs waiting for me under the tree this Christmas... (or better yet, that cool display stand!)
Happy Holidays everyone!
I love that I Spy ad--I've always wanted to pick up that particular book, just based on the ad and the cover.
"Hey, that'd be a great name for a blog!"--me, a year ago today
Since today this is Coming Super Attractions! 1st anniversary, I thought we'd post a couple of ads from the different decades--1950, 1970, and 1980:
Starting tomorrow, as a way to kick off our 2nd year, we'll be posting two ads per day--as DC might say, For Double The Excitement!
Wow, do I love these Golden Age ads...
This doesn't have anything to do with the ad, but the story in that issue of World's Finest is insane--it features a panel where an autopsy is performed on Superman, but was considered "so gruesome" by the editors that its entirely blacked out with a big "Censored" box over it. Weird stuff...
An interestingly staged ad...I like Jonah and Scalphunter down there in the valley taking a stroll together.
Two of the goofiest covers in DC's history, and both in one ad!
Wow, that's a lot of text for a Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer ad!
A really striking ad, I love the color burst over the b/w covers.
One of the strangest tag lines ever for a comic book ad...and a little defensive, too.
Interesting to consider...all but three of three of the titles represented ended up being canceled.
This was truly the age of superfluous title descriptors in comics.
Was there a more insane comic put out in the 60s than Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen?
One of the great covers of the Silver Age!
It's the Christmas season, time for one of DC's former biggest stars, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!
Up there with "Marvel Pop-Art Productions"--remember that?