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Great ad, featuring one of all the all-time great issues of Super Friends.
Happy Halloween everybody!
This nifty ad courtesy Robby Reed. Thanks Robby!
A really good, appropriately spooky ad--I especially love those creepy demons in front of the moon!
I read this series at the time...and totally didn't get it.
Ad sent to me by Robby Reed. Thanks Robby!
I wish comic companies ran ads like this nowadays...
Ok, so it's not "horror" or "weird"...but it is "strange"!
Super Friends, Shazam!, Isis, and...Welcome Back, Kotter? This is like one of those "Which one does not belong?" SAT questions.
Interesting layout for this ad...gets all the relevant info on there, with no, er, dead space!
"Moving covers"...ah, remember that wonderful era in comics?
It occurred to me, since its only two weeks away from Halloween, I should be posting as many DC horror ads as I can find--so here you go!
That Unexpected cover always creeped me out as a kid...I should pick up that issue sometime and see what the story is like!
DC says: "How much does an issue of Superboy cost? Even we don't know!"
A very awkward ad--it looks like Clark, Barry, Dinah, and Bruce are all wearing those sandwich board things to me.
Plus, Bats looks really pissed.
Because one Heckler ad isn't enough...
Anyone remember this series? I do not, though the ads were certainly unusual...
The Fox and the Crow probably didn't realize that Stanley and His Monster, introduced this issue, would eventually push them out of of their own book. Ouch!
Not a book you saw advertised very much!
I really liked Wasteland when it came out, which was just before the Vertigo line. I think it was just a little too ahead of its time.