But in relation to one of the comments--I don't intend for Coming Super-Attractions! to go away forever. One of my current blogs, I Am The Phantom Stranger, has a relatively firm "end date", and so does another new blog I plan to start next month. By the end of 2009, both blogs will most likely be over, as well.
Once that happens, my schedule frees up a bit and I've had the time to find more ads, I plan for CSA to return, either for a week or two at a time or on a somewhat more long-lasting basis.
So while Feb. 16th is the end for now, it's not the end!
Great news! I love these old ads. Are you planning on doing a blog based on the Marvel ads?
...and we all know what that "something BIG" was, that was coming from DC, yes?
-Craig W.
Um, Claw The Unconquered?
good I love the old ads. Too bad Dial B won't be back from the other Rob.
(Oh, Rob, you ol' Treasury-lovin' kidder, you!)
wow, it actually didn't occur to me that that ad was for the treasuries. Mostly because DC started them in 1973, not 1974, but that must be what they're talking about.
sorry, no marvel ads blog. i just don't have as much affinity for Marvel the way I do DC (although that would make for a great blog, since Marvel's ads were really great a lot of the time).
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